Total Value = $520/month
☑️ A community where you can interact with others in the membership as well as Brittany.
☑️ Monthly interview with an expert in the industry.
☑️ Monthly LIVE group coaching sessions with Brittany Flammer.
☑️ Monthly LIVE budget check-in and planning sessions with Brittany Flammer.
☑️ 1:1 email coaching with Brittany.
This is intended to help hold you accountable with your budgeting so that you can reach your money goals.
It will work for you if you are newer to budgeting or if you've done it for years, but have never been as successful as you'd like.
If you have never, ever budgeted and don't even know where to start, you can jumpstart your progress by enrolling in Financial Fitne$$ first. This is where you learn the basics for beginning to budget.
If you can't make it to the live calls, they will be recorded and uploaded into the membership for you to watch at your convenience.
If you can't make it to the live call, but want your question answered you can submit your question in advance so it will be answered during the call.
You will never be alone. If you need help you can ask inside the community or you can reach out to Brittany. She will personally respond to you within 48 business hours.
If you try it out and decide FFC isn't for you, you can cancel at any time.
No questions asked.
The $13/month is a limited time deal for the founding members of the club.
If you lock in now, you will pay the $13/month for your membership.
When the prices rise for everyone else, you will stay at the $13/month price.