Brittany Flammer / Financial Coach Brittany Flammer I Financial Coach


stop living paycheck to paycheck and
start saving more money


I'm Brittany Flammer, a financial coach.

My husband and I started off with a {very} small income and we were forced to budget. Our first 15 years of marriage we made ~$30,000 per year. During that time we were able to do lots of things:

  • Graduate college debt free
  • Spend 2 summers traveling Europe
  • Volunteer in Thailand for 2 Years
  • Save $100,000 for a House
  • Travel Overseas Multiple Times
  • Live in Turkey
  • Graduate with a Doctorate Debt Free
  • Have 5 Kids
  • Road Trip Across the US with Those Kids
We did it, and so can you. I learned how to budget and I'd love to share what I've learned!

After testing over 30 different budgeting apps and coaching dozens of clients, I've created a cheat sheet to help you find the best budgeting app for you.

There isn't one app that works for everyone.

It's a matter of finding the best one for you.

Grab my free cheat sheet below to find the best app for you in your situation.